Category Archives: humor

Hump Day Humor (for cat lovers)

Inspiration for the gym on this beautiful Humpday! Today is a party at work with delicious food presented ALL DAY…luckily there are very healthy options.  I just have to make sure I make the right choices!

Also, I’m pretty sure these animated gifs were made with me in mind…

catarobics catarobics2 catarobics3 catarobics4 catarobics5 catarobics6

The Grocery Store Told Me I’ve Got Badass Muscles.

Last night I quickly popped into the local grocery store to grab a few items in a basket.  I know if I get a cart I will fill it and I was not in need of more than a few things.

That is, until I reached the drink aisle where everything was on sale!  So, I decided to utilize my new guns.


My Badass Muscles

I carried  my basket full of food along with a fridge 12-pack of Diet Dr. Pepper and  a 12 pack case of Diet Peach Snapple Iced Teas.  At first I thought, I need to get a cart to carry all this.  Then I thought, let’s see if I am now strong enough to carry these cases first without assistance.   In the past, there was no way I could handle the weight of these cases along with a basket full of items without dropping everything with rubbery arms.  But last night, man, I carried all those items like He-Man!


Thank you grocery store for inspiring me to keep lifting at the gym!

Also, have you seen this fun gadget for carrying your bags into your home in one trip?!!


This may just have to become a part of my permanent grocery collection.  Reviews are mixed, saying they are not as sturdy as advertised, but I’d give them a try just to try and save my fingers from losing circulation!

Shopping and strengthening = getting things done!


Hump Day Humor (for nerds)


I smirk at this but also think of it as a philosophical scenario.  If you were in the same room with your past self, what would you want to say?  I’d probably slap her in the face Moonstruck style and say SNAP OUT OF IT! Get healthy again!  You can do it!  Don’t waste the next few years eating your feelings when you can start turning your life around today! It’s not easy, but it’s not impossible.


ok, fine, i’d be a little nicer about it.  If I’ve learned anything over this past year, it’s to be nicer to myself.  But I would certainly be honest.  Tactfully honest is my motto.

No need to be a jerk.  That’s my general life rule.

Lady “Lump” Day Humor!

I recently got new bras that fit me like a dream and have really helped reduce my back pain.  It’s beneficial for any woman to get an over the shoulder boulder holder that fits them properly.  Check out the Curvy Fashion links to find some stores for the well endowed lady.

As far as today’s Lady “Lump” Day Humor funny, I know “The Vise” and “The Heavy Hitter” all too well…

lol bras

Humpday Humor!

lose weightI joke because lately I have been ravenous, but I’ve also been working out harder than normal.  The two go hand in hand!  Luckily, you can still eat and lose weight, just choose the right foods.  Or if you aren’t losing weight, perhaps gaining, but still feel you are making the right nutritional choices, pay attention to how your clothes are fitting and how you continue to feel.  Don’t let the numbers control your life, but make a change if you feel like you’ve hit a wall.  I’ve actually been gaining pounds, but I feel my clothes fitting differently and being back at the gym lifting weights has given be strength, energy, and enough confidence to not let the scale dictate how I feel.  Let’s hope I can continue to feel happy and healthy without the frustration of not losing weight.

Humpday Humor!

Last night, my man told me that he loves the goofy faces I make.  So for today’s laugh I wanted to share this collection of pretty girls (much like myself, ahem) making silly faces.  It’s important that I remember to laugh at myself and not feel the pressure to look perfect all the time.  Finding things like this online are a fun reminder to be who you are, enjoy life, and have a sense of humor!  I hope you especially enjoy the last photo.


Happy Easter!!

Make good food choices today at your Easter feasts then unwind from the holiday with some relaxing bunny yoga!

Happy Easter! bunny yoga

Humpday Humor (for geeks)

I have been focusing on my Yoga moves lately so today’s image is very apropos.  It’s a good reminder that every shape and size can do Yoga to attain relaxation, strength, and flexibility with regular practice…even if you are short and green or tall and metal.

Please feel free to follow me here and/or like my Facebook Page if you enjoy my blog! Thank you!

star wars yogaPrincess-Leia-Yoga

Hump Day Humor

Happy First Day of Spring!!!  Please enjoy the best internet photo ever…this is how happy I am that Spring is finally here!


Humpday Humor!


I love this meme, because well, I love cats and how independent and narcissistic they can be.  But it’s a reminder for myself that I don’t NEED everything I want.  Although, it’s pretty funny when a cat does…